Wrise in tamil
Wrise in tamil

A few other lawyers followed suit and filed individual writ petitions with a plea to retain or reintroduce English as the language of the courts, tribunals and other authorities subordinate to the High Court. Ranka, an advocate, approached the High Court to declare Section 4B as well as the notification as illegal and unconstitutional. The State government issued a notification on Janufor bringing Section 4B(1) of the Act into force. However, both the Sections contained a proviso empowering the High Court as well as the Board of Revenue to permit the lower courts to record evidence and write judgments in English too for a specific period.

wrise in tamil

It introduced Sections 4A and 4B to legislation, making it mandatory for all civil and criminal courts, subordinate to the Madras High Court, as well as Rent Courts and Revenue Courts under the Board of Revenue to record evidence as well as write judgments, orders and decrees in Tamil. The amendment came into force on November 12, 1976. Since the Assembly was dissolved then, the amendment received the approval of both Houses of Parliament on June 20 and June 22, 1977. It was in 1976, when the State was under the President’s rule, that the Tamil Nadu Official Language Act was amended, declaring Tamil as the official language of the lower courts in the State. However, it was followed by a notification issued on Novemfor adopting Tamil as the official language in all subordinate courts for the purpose of recording evidence alone with effect from January 14, 1970. The legislation did not specifically declare Tamil as the official language of the lower courts in the State. The law received the Governor’s assent on Januand was published in the government gazette on January 23, 1957. It was in 1956 that the State legislature enacted the Tamil Nadu Official Language Act in pursuance of the power conferred on it under Article 345 of the Constitution.

Wrise in tamil